My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660-1731)was a great master of realistic detail. The novel "Robinson Crusoe" was writen in 1719. The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shovs the development of his hero. At beginning of the story we see an unexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man.
Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled' He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best.
Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what's good and what's bad.
This is my favorite book because I was interested in rearing his adventures. I recommend to read this book.
Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with others, it's also about how willing you are to put your friends first or point out when they're doing something you don't agree with. But what means frienship? Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people, or animals. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends should understand, think always and careseach other about each other, like "Happy Tree Friends"
People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. I help parents with cleaning our house. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, take the rubbish out. When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy. My dad is often washing windows or cleaning floors. My mom do many things too. She wash our clooth in washing machine, wash ware clean our rooms the most important - cooks food. My mother cooks well; sometimes I help her. If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs, sugar and so on. We have got a country house. There is a big garden with many trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a lot of work in our garden and I help my parents to do it. I usually clean my room on Saturday. First of all I clean with duster table, some boxes, TV, lamp and many other things. At second I clean with vacuum cleaner carpet in my room. Every day I must feed my cat. It is very big and fat (like Sima). It is necessary to help the parents. But didn't like wash ware.
Dear Meg. Thank you very mush for the letter. I was very glad to get it and i hope that we'll become good friends. You asked about my favorite film. I like watching films wery much. I have looked more than 1000 films for the life. My prefer comedies and my favorite film is "Ace Ventura". I think Ace Ventura is wery ridiculous and funny film. I was laughed all film. Also I liked this film because there is my favorite actor - Jim Carrey. Ace Ventura Directed by Tom Shadyac. Ace Ventura is an unconventional detective who specializes in locating lost pets. When he's hired to find the Miami Dolphins football team's missing mascot, a dolphin named Snowflake, Ace finds himself hot on the trail of kidnappers who have also abducted the team's star quarterback. I recomend you to watch this fil because it wery funny, intereting and ridiculous.I think Jim Carrey really good actor and they were act in many cool films. Here you can watch more about the film. Will you also tell me about your favorite film? I'm lookung forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Mark
In leisure time Estonian people are engaged in the hobbies. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
People have many hobbies. Estonian people have many hobbies. Older people prefer gardening, fishing, knitting, sewing, watching TV, sleeping and so on.Hobbies popular among young people include sport, playing musical instruments, computer, listening to music, collecting different items, cooking. There are various clubs at schools and additional institution where children can learn many activities or do some sport. Some people writing different stories and poems.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the choice.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays.
What about me? How I spending my leisure time? I'm doing sport and collect coins.
вторник, 7 сентября 2010 г.
far - further - the furthest beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful big - bigger - the biggest stupid - more stupid - the most stupid funny - more funny - the most funny difficult - more difficult - the most difficult comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable serious - more serious - the most serious good - better - the best happy - happier - the happiest
little - less - the least common - more common - the most common cruel - more cruel - the most cruel gentle - more gentle - the most gentle likely - more likely - the most likely narrow - narrower - the narrowest pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant polite - politer - the politest shallow - more shallow - the most shallow simple - simpler - the simplest
One day Mary met her uncle’s younger brother, Jem। Jem was young and good-looking but he was a horse stealer. After some period of time Mary realizes that her Uncle Joss is a leader of the band of ship wreckers. She even overhears a talk when Joss orders to murder someone. One day Jem and Mary went to town and Jem sold a horse, that he had stolen. Jam was gone. Than Mary takes a coach back home. The coach driver is killed by the band of Mary’s uncle. All things from ships were hidden in the locked room. Marys suggest to spend the night. But later Mary realizes that he is the member of the wrecker band. Jem rescues her. In the end Mary and Jam leave this city.
среда, 21 апреля 2010 г.
1)Email addresses are easier to remember. 2)Email is quicker. 3)The phone can be inconvenient. 4)Email keeps track of itself. 5)Email is as fast as I can read. 6)You can skip niceties with email.
I think email is better than phone. I hate it when people call me on the phone. I’d much rather they use email. E-mail is much easier and I advise to everyone use it.
понедельник, 12 апреля 2010 г.
A long time ago when our world was another, leave my grandmother and grandfather.At first they used to be lived in Russia, but then they had to go to Estonia. My grandfather use to be the captain. And my grandmother use to be a doctor.
Nowadays some things are not as earlier. Earlier people use to be more kinder but the technician hasn't been developed as now. For example TVs at that time use to be rarity, at that time computers used to be very big. There use to be others architecture, others cars. Thy didn'y use to have mobile phone until after 1990.
I think that nowadays we leave better than our grandparents.
воскресенье, 4 апреля 2010 г.
My favourite band at the moment is the Russian band Amatory.
There are fivein the band: Aleksandr Pavlov, Igor Kapranoc, Dmitij Rubanovskij, Daniil Svetlov, Denis Zivotovskij. They are sing and play musical instruments. They play metal-core and new-metal.
Their first hit album in 2003 was called "Vechno Prachetsa Sudba". Album wasn't so popular.
But their lates album "VII" is very popular. Album has relly good tracks. My favourite is "Dishi So Mnoj". This track and this group like many young people.
In the future they create new album and many new singles.
I heard about your courses and I writing you because i very want to join the course. This is very interesting. I would really like to go in your Action Academy. I very like stunts. I very capable.
I'm 15 ears old and I study and live in Estonia. My growth is 205sm and my weight is 98kg.
I would like to go in the summer. I wish to ask you What about priсe?
Thank you,
Waiting you answer,
Freddy Kruger.
четверг, 11 марта 2010 г.
Tessa had a very great time last weekend. She went to a music festival where they played a big variety of music. There was Rock, Hip-hop, RnB, Jazz and so on. There was a lot of tasty food like Turkey food and Japan food. All was great but with toilets there was a problem.:DThe holiday was excellen but the tickets cost much. It has no spoilt the party.
Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with others, it's also about how willing you are to put your friends first or point out when they're doing something you don't agree with. But what means frienship? Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people, or animals. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends should understand, think always and careseach other about each other, like "Happy Tree Friends"!!!=))))
The Editor, St Ives Times and Echo, High Street, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1RS
Dear Sir,
I am writing to protest about the way hens are treated in many parts of Europe. Farmers keep their hens in very small cages or "batteries". There is not enough place. These cages are so small that the hens can't flap their wings or clean their feathers. They can't move or wash themselves. In cage they can hurt themselves. Usually there are five or six or more hens in each cages or batteries. This is wery bad. we must protest!!! Chicken live in very bad conditions. Farmers shouldn't think only of profit. It is necessary to solve this problem.
«Пе́рси Дже́ксон и похити́тель мо́лний» (англ. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief) — художественный фильм Криса Коламбуса, экранизация романа «Похититель молний», первого романа из серии книг «Перси Джексон и олимпийцы» писателя Рика Риордана.
Сюжет Юноша по имени Перси Джексон,американский подросток узнаёт, что он — полубог, сын древнегреческого бога Посейдона. И отправляется в путешествие по современным Соединённым Штатам Америки, чтобы спасти свою мать, вернуть украденные молнии Зевса и предотвратить войну между богами.[1] Перси Джексон,американский подросток и школьник, чуть не становится жертвой учительницы по математике. Хорошо, что ручка, которую дал ему мистер Бранер, учитель латинского языка, превращается в настоящий меч и поражает обезумевшую математичку. Но на этом беды Перси не кончаются. На побережье, куда они уезжают с мамой, на них нападает Минотавр. И друг Перси по школе, Гровер, неожиданно пришедший на помощь, оказывается не мальчиком,а сатиром. Но главные приключения начинаются позже,когда они с Гроувером добираются до Лагеря Полукровок. Там обнаруживается, что Перси - сын Посейдона! У него появляется подруга - Аннабет, дочь Афины Паллады, и приятель Лука, который в конце концов оказывается вовсе не другом, а врагом. Во время своего путешествия Перси с Гровером и Аннабет встречают разных мифологических чудовищ: Медузу Горгону, Ареса и других мифических существ.
В ролях Логан Лирман - Перси Джексон, главный герой фильма, сын Посейдона Брэндон Т. Джексон - Гроувер Ундервуд, лучший друг Перси, сатир Александра Даддарио - Аннабет Чейз, дочь богини Афины Джейк Абель - Лука Кастелян, сын Гермеса Розарио Доусон - Персефона, богиня весны, дочь Деметры, жена Аида Стив Куган - Аид, владыка мертвых Ума Турман - Медуза Горгона Кэтрин Кинер - Салли Джексон, мать Перси Пирс Броснан - Хирон, кентавр, тренер героев Кевин МакКид - Посейдон, бог морей Мелина Канакаредес - Афина, богиня войны, ремесел и мудрости Дилан Нил - Гермес, посланник богов, бог воров и путешественников Челан Симмонс - Силена Борегар, дочь Афродиты Эрика Серра - Гера, богиня брака, жена Зевса Шон Бин - Зевс, царь Олимпа и богов Мария Ольсен - миссис Доддс/фурия Серинда Суон - Афродита, богиня любви и страсти Стефани фон Пфеттен - Деметра, богиня земли и плодородия Рэй Уинстон - Арес, бог войны Димитри Лекос - Аполлон, бог солнца, поэзии, пророчества, спорта и добродетели Люк Камильери - Дионис, бог вина и веселья, директор Лагеря Полукровок Мария Авгеропулос — спутница Афродиты
«Зубная фея» (англ. «Tooth Fairy») — фантастическая комедия режиссера Майкла Лембека. Слоган фильма «The tooth hurts». Мировая премьера состоится 21 января 2010 года. Рейтинг MPAA: рекомендуется присутствие родителей
Сюжет: Хоккеист Дерек Томпсон (Дуэйн Джонсон), не любящий играть по правилам и нередко во время матчей лишающий своих соперников зубов, за что получил прозвище Зубная Фея. Он и в личной жизни не отличается тактом. За что его однажды решают наказать настоящие зубные феи, превратив героя в себе подобного. Дереку, никогда не верившему в чудеса, приходится пробираться в детские спальни по ночам и оставлять под подушками малышей подарочные доллары в обмен на молочные зуб.
В ролях: Дуэйн «Скала» Джонсон — Дерек Томпсон Эшли Джадд — Джули Эндрюс — Лили Билли Кристал — Чейз Эллисон — Ренди Брэндон Т. Джексон — Дюк Стефен Мерчант — Трейси Райан Шеклер — Мик Донели За кадром Зубная фея — традиционный персонаж западного фольклора, придуманный взрослыми для детей, у которых болят зубы: фея приносит ребёнку небольшую сумму денег (или подарок) вместо выпавшего молочного зуба, положенного под подушку. Зубы можно дарить фее в любой день, кроме Рождества. Сценарий фильма гулял по Голливуда с 1992 года. Главным кандидатом на главную роль долгое время был Арнольд Шварценеггер.
Цитаты: "Не осмелюсь рекомендовать фильм тем, кто уже вышел из возраста Зубной Феи, но осмелюсь признать, что смотреть его было приятно" (Роджер Эберт, Chicago Sun-Times)
среда, 3 февраля 2010 г.
If somebody present me Space rocket, I will go to space travel. I will start my trip in the space organisation - Nassa. But at first I should learn to drive on a rocket. I will go on special courses. When I will learn, I will go on the moon. Then I will go to Mars and I will search there for life forms. Then I would will go back on the earth on refuelling. After that I will assemble all things and I will take my parents aboard and we wil fly on searches of other planets and aliens too. Possible we will find a planet where we wil stay to all life?
воскресенье, 31 января 2010 г.
If I had 1 million $ I would buy the new expensive car. If I had a new car I would learn traffic rules. If I will lear traffic rules I would hand over on a driving licence. If I hand over an a driving licence I would think where I will go further. When I will think up where I will go, I will pour gasoline in the car and I will go to Russia to Siberia, to my relatives. To China not so far. I would go there. There I would buy house and would spend there all life.
The aim of my report is to speak about our favourite TV programs. Nowadays, people watch watch TV for an average of 17 hours a week. This is: Music canals(MTV, RUTv), Sport canals(Sky Sport, SportTV), News (1, STV), Art canals(Classic, discavery), childre canals, canals for older people and so on. In my family parents see mainly news or Music canals, or some comidy films. Father often watch sport canals. And what about me? I watch TV programs like SkySport or music canals for example MTV or RUTV. Still I like comedy films very much and I see a lots of programs with comedy films. In my family TV look often.
I have just found that Noize MC are giving a concert at 18:00 on the beach!!! We need to go there, because they come here only once and they are rare. The concert will be on weekend - on Sunday.It will be in 'Saku Suur Hall' at 18:00, but we need to come on earlier. I love this band very much andI love their songs too. The name of the soloist is Ivan Alekseev. He is rapper, singer, composer and actor. My favorite song is 'Battle 2007 final'. We need to find tickets for a concert, I want to go there vary much. The price of tickets 500crones.Probably my friend will sell them to me. I will call you tomorrow.
Your friend Mark
среда, 13 января 2010 г.
1)frustration 2)poor or no role model 3)abuse at home 4)undue influence 5)Distrust of other people 6)Feeling powerless 7)Low self-esteem 8)Trying to get admiration and attention from friends 9)Fear of being left out if they don’t join in 10)Not understanding how someone else is feeling 11)Taking out their angry feelings 12)A culture of aggression and bullying 13)Being bullied themselves